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The Daily Jewish Values Project

How does it work?

Daily Value

The Daily Jewish Values Project is based on The Book of Jewish Values by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. This book covers over 300 Jewish values, each one presented in 1-2 pages of relatable, easy-to-read anecdotes, lessons, and practical suggestions to incorporate into daily living. The book is structured to be read over the course of a year: a new value is presented every day from Sunday through Friday, with Shabbat dedicated to review, for 52 weeks.

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, every member who registers will be given a free copy of the book!

Reading about each daily value and incorporating it into your life can happen on your own schedule. All you need to do is dedicate about 5 minutes a day to reading 1-2 pages. Maybe this will become your morning reading that accompanies your cup of coffee, your pause for thought during your lunch break, your 5 minutes of unwinding between the end of your work day and the rest of your evening, or part of a new bedtime ritual. Whatever works for you!

We are encouraging people to begin reading the first value ("Week 1, Day 1: On Hearing a Siren") on January 10, so that we can all be connected in our learning.

Discussion Groups

Reading through The Book of Jewish Values might happen individually, but we also want this to be an opportunity to learn with others, to deepen existing relationships, and/or create new friendships. That is why we are encouraging everyone who participates to be part of a small discussion group. Some people might choose to join an affinity group of people with similar interests or at similar stages in life; others might choose to form a group of their friends.

All groups are encouraged to meet once every other week. Each group will figure out a time that works best for the members of that group. We encourage groups to meet remotely (at least initially - who knows what the world will look like when we finish this project 12 months from now!). If your group needs help getting set up on Zoom or another remote platform, be in touch with Rabbi Zerin - she is happy to help.

Groups will be provided with suggested discussion questions for each meeting. However, those are just suggestions to get you started - you not feel tied to discussing those questions. Check back on this website for links to the discussion questions.

Other Opportunities to Connect

Email List
There is a Google Group email list for those who would like to share comments, questions, and reactions to the readings over email. If you would like to be added to the email list, please email Rabbi Zerin at

Favorite Quote Fridays on Facebook
Every Friday, check out the Temple Emanu-El Facebook Page for "Favorite Quote Fridays", where we encourage everyone participating in the project to post your favorite quote from the past week's readings. You can simply drop your favorite line, share why that quote resonated with you, a personal story related to that quote, or whatever else you want to share! Feel free to see what other quotes people have shared, too, and comment on them. This will allow us to learn as a community, even when we cannot gather.

D'var Torah during Kabbalat Shabbat
Starting in January, every Friday night one of the clergy will offer a short d'var Torah/teaching connected to one of the week's values during our Zoom Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma'ariv Services on Fridays at 5:15pm.

Throughout the year, we will offer other opportunities to connect to each other through our learning.

Questions? Comments?

Please be in touch with Rabbi Zerin at


Documents to Support Your Learning

Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784