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Celebrate Shavuot!

[logo] Shavuot 5784

Shavuot, the “Feast of Weeks,” is celebrated seven weeks after Passover (Pesah). Shavuot combines two major religious observances. First is the grain harvest of the early summer. Second is the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai seven weeks after the exodus from Egypt. There are a number of customs associated with this holiday. Among them is the tradition of participating in a Tikkun Leil Shavuot, a late-night study session marking the holiday. It is also customary to eat dairy products as part of the celebration of Shavuot.


Shavuot Service and Program Schedule

Tuesday, June 11 – Erev Shavuot

5:00 PM - Families with Young Children Shavuot Program - Cheese and Butter Making Demonstration with Gabby Warshay!

5:45 PM - Minhah in the Meeting House Foyer

6:00 PM - Community Dinner (registration link below)

6:35 PM - Ma'ariv in the Meeting House Foyer

7:00 PM - Learning Session 1

  • Grades 3-6: Learning with Rachel Cohn
  • Teens: Learning with Rabbi Fel
  • Adult Learning #1: Bruce Phillips, Judy Kaye, Daniella Stark, Hannah Pearlman - Receiving Revelation through Song
  • Adult Learning #2: Rabbi Elan Babchuck: Fighting Fire With Fire: What Lag Ba'Omer Can Teach Us About Fighting Antisemitism

8:00 PM - Kiddush and Dessert: Cheesecake and more!

8:02 PM - Candle Lighting

8:15 PM - Learning Session 2

  • Teens: Learning with Rachel Cohn
  • Adult Learning #1: Rabbi Josh Bolton - Shavuot with Rebbe Nachman of Breslev.
  • Adult Learning #2: John Landry - What Makes Studying Torah Holy?

9:00 PM - Dessert 2: Ice Cream and snacks!

***Teaching Schedule Subject to Change***
Please email Rabbi Fel if you are interested in teaching a class!

Click below to sign up for Temple Emanu-El Community Dinner on June 11 at 6:00 PM

Indoor and outdoor seating available. Cost is $10 per person, Family First families are free - Contact Rachel Cohn for the discount code

Click here to register

Wednesday, June 12 - Shavuot Day 1

9:15 AM - Yom Tov Services - Main Sanctuary

10:30 AM - Family Shavuot Program w/Rachel Cohn

11:15 AM - Tot Shabbat

11:15 AM - Rabbi Fel Teaching

12:00 PM - Yogurt Parfait Bar and Ice Cream Kiddush

1:15 PM - Minhah- Fishbein Chapel


Thursday, June 13 - Shavuot Day 2

9:15 AM - Yom Tov Services - Main Sanctuary

10:45 AM - Yizkor and Memorial Plaque Dedication

11:00 AM - Open Gym for children

12:00 PM - Kiddush Lunch with Ice Cream and Frozen treats

1:15 PM - Minhah- Fishbein Chapel

9:04 PM - Havdalah

9:20 PM - Zoom Havdalah

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785