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The Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El is an organization which fosters and supports the high ideals of Judaism through religious, social, and educational activities. The mission of this Sisterhood is to bring women of all ages together with a common goal: to strengthen and bond our identities as Jewish women within the Synagogue and among our neighbors.

Sisterhood can provide ongoing support for our temple programs: the Religious School, hosting weekly oneg Shabbat, and a variety of fund raising activities and social events. Sisterhood is also about fun, sharing, and caring about each other. There are opportunities to make new friendships, while contributing to our Temple Emanu-El growth and continuation.

We welcome and encourage all temple women to become members of Sisterhood for a greater Temple Emanu-El community.

Click here to become a member! 


Upcoming Events

SundaySun, 20 OctOctober, 2024

Sisterhood Meeting in the Sukkah

Sunday, Oct 20th 11:00a to 12:00p


SundaySun, 17 NovNovember, 2024


Thu, October 10 2024 8 Tishrei 5785